
Karaoke for AFI - The Boy Who Destroyed The World

AFI - The Boy Who Destroyed The World (03:05)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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AFI - Affliction (03:36)
AFI - Affliction (05:27)
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AFI - Battled (01:07)
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AFI - Dancing Through Sunday (02:29)
AFI - Dancing Through Sunday (02:22)
AFI - Days Of The Phoenix (03:27)
AFI - Days of the Phoenix (03:28)
AFI - Death of Seasons (04:00)
AFI - Death Of Seasons (03:56)
AFI - Dont Change (03:15)
AFI - Endlessly She Said (04:27)
AFI - Endlessly She Said (04:26)
AFI - Ever And A Day (03:05)
AFI - Ever and A Day (03:08)
AFI - Ever and A Day (03:07)
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AFI - The Leaving Song Pt. 2 (03:26)
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